低醇葡萄酒(low alcohol wines)是指采用新鲜葡萄或葡萄汁进行发酵,并采用特种工艺加工而成的、酒精度为1.0%-7.0%的葡萄酒。红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载相关红酒知识问答低糖葡萄酒和低醇葡萄酒有什么区别? 什么是低醇葡萄酒(low alcohol wines)? 脱醇葡萄酒是如何实现脱醇的?
/ 低度-Low-Alcohol 过滤/ Filters 清除筛选 / Clear Filters Type 白葡萄酒 White Wine 红葡萄酒 Red Wine 无醇Alcohol Free 低度Low Alcohol 高度Spirits 蜂蜜酒 Honey Wine Occasion 小聚会 Casual Gatherings 休闲Easy Drinking 礼品Gift 晚餐搭配 Food Pairing 浪漫晚餐 Romantic Evening 优质...
网络低醇葡萄酒 网络释义 1. 低醇葡萄酒 DLRAW的商标注册及限制性定义对市场发展不利,例如,在欧共体,DLRAW产品不能标为“低醇葡萄酒(low-alcohol wine)”… www.chinavalue.net|基于3个网页 例句 释义: 全部,低醇葡萄酒
WINE industryAnthony J Saliba, Linda A Ovington, Carmen C MoranCharles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, AustraliaBackground: The aim of this paper is to inform wine producers and marketers of those in the population who are interested in low-alcohol wine by describing the results of an ...
Spinning cones had been used to reduce the wines' alcohol levels by 40 to 50 percent, taking their alcohol level to below 8.5 percent. According to the OIV's new resolution: "If the alcohol content of the wine is reduced by more than 20 percent, it will fall under a dealcoholisation ...
公开/公告号: NZ242161A 公开/公告日期: 1993-08-26 申请(专利权)人: SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE SA 发明人:N D'Amico,T Sozzi,T Ho Dac,RD Wood 摘要: Malolactic leaven capable of starting a malolactic fermentation immediately after its direct inoculation into a normal or light wine and ...
UK Wine Show All episodes IMDbProAll topics Recap: Miguel Torres on low alcohol wines Podcast Episode 2023 12m YOUR RATING RateAdd a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Details Edit...
Waimea Naturally Low Alcohol Sauvignon Blanc, Nelson, New Zealand 威美亚低酒精度长相思干白葡萄酒 概览 酒款资料 权威评分 获奖 品鉴点评 相关酒款 价格 资讯/问答威美亚低酒精度长相思干白葡萄酒 权威评分 选择葡萄酒年份: 2011 后一页前一页 权威评分 SCORE 查看更多评分请选择葡萄酒年份 葡萄酒年份 ...
关于“吉尔森酒庄系列长相思白葡萄酒(低酒精)(Giesen Estate Low Alcohol Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, New Zealand) ”的酒款综述 此款葡萄酒采用现代工艺酿造,酒精浓度较低,却仍然保持着清爽的口感,散发着迷人的绿色草本和水果香气,风味以核果、热带水果为主,酒体轻盈,余味悠长清新。
中奥塔哥(Central Otago)图片来源:www.nzwine.com 中奥塔哥(Central Otago)地处新西兰南岛南端,是全球最靠南的葡萄酒产区。中奥塔哥葡萄园的海拔高度大都处于200米到400米之间。相比新西兰其他产区的葡萄园,中奥塔哥葡萄园的海拔高度是最高的。中奥塔哥是新西兰唯一一个具有大陆性气候的葡萄酒产区,夏季短暂…【详情】...