9.He properly uses the word ridiculous, I often do not agree with what he thinks is ridiculous like when I added the lego window to the train car and he smashed it down and said “mama that is RIDICULOUS!” 10. He loves playing outside, especially at grandma Marilyn’s house. 11. H...
Had another interesting session with my now weekly doc I’m seeing re: My ADD. He’s doing IQ tests with me. The math word problems were very hard for me! He said that I did way above average on them but that it took me excessively longer than normal to perform the calculations. An...
Confess my truth in Swooping, sloping, cursive letters Let the only flashing lights Be the tower at midnight 多想将你洗脑 你对我的爱 便能永葆鲜活 还想将你送往 文化繁荣胜地 骤然执笔 那斜体草书袒露我心意 唯愿那媒体的闪光灯 化为埃菲尔铁塔点缀午夜的浪漫 ...