But if the modest claim is plausible, it is reasonable to ask whether it implies that counsel to hate the sin but love the sinner is really just dangerous counsel to hate the sinner. People who counsel hating vice or sin, though not the sinner, often claim that doing so is analogous to...
And chances are, as a Christian, you're not exactly sure how to relate to this person. While the church has been pretty good at ''hating the sin,'' it hasn't really known how to ''love the sinner'' without fear of condoning a homosexual lifestyle. Chad Thompson, a man who has ...
The Will to Embrace We as Christians are not called to repudiate. We are called to love. It is love to say to a brother or a sister, “Go and sin no more.” It takes guts and abandon to the way of Jesus, but it rings as truth when we speak it in love. Gender issues are one...
The Corona virus, moreover, has alerted us to a truism that we have long ignored: We must live as though we do not know what is ahead. To live that way pushes us back onto the present moment to live in the here and now. To live in the here and now is to accept both love and...
“sin.” According to Scripture, everyone is guilty of sin: “There is no man who does not sin” (1 Kings 8:46). “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And we are incapable of changing our sinful condition. Jeremiah 13:23 says, “Can the ...
but our thinking will not alter the facts of the case. It is in the Word of God alone that this question is answered. Even if we fall back on mere human reason, it seems to me that no thinking person could come to the conclusion that a man could live in sin and die in sin, wit...
Furthermore, in the main intercalated nucleus, NPY is expressed primarily in dopamine D1 receptor-expressing neurons but also in interspersed somatostatin-expressing neurons. Interestingly, NPY neurons did not co-localize...
Follow Christ by Hating the Sin, Loving the SinnerRegarding Maureen Dowd's column "How Catholic Are Catholics?"(May 21): Some Catholics, such as...Elias, Joe
1 These texts harness the art of memory to commemorate souls in Purgatory but also forget souls, diverging in who is forgotten by whom. (Combining a hospital waiting room and a naughty step consisting of fiery torments, Purgatory is a space of purgation of sins not forgiven, through whose ...