loving-kindness Loving-Kindness Meditation loving lovingly lovingly lovingly lovingness Lovington Lovins, Amory Lovis Corinth Lovísa Elísabet Sigrúnardóttir Lovits, Tovii Lovits, Tovii Egorovich Lovium LOVJ LOVL LOVLAS Lovlien, Emil Løvlien, Emil LOVM Lovoa Lovoa klaineana LOVOC Lovos lovo...
2. 慈心禅新班 Bodhi... ... Qing Ming Puja 清明法会 Loving-kindness Meditation 慈心禅新班 Meditation For Beginners 内观禅新班 ... www.bodhi.org.sg|基于8个网页 3. 慈心观 拜一8:30pm 慈心观(loving-kindness meditation)。拜三8:30pm 四念处禅。www.carilubang.com|基于5个网页 更多释义 ...
也许藏传佛教的施受法,慈心禅练习(loving kindness meditation) 和宽恕冥想 (forgiveness meditation)等练习,是更有操作性的办法。核心通过内心意象的爱与善意,逐渐融化内心负面的体验。比如,首先在内心唤起积极的意象,如母亲、外婆、观音菩萨。祝福他们健康、平和;其次,在内心想象当下的自己,祝福自己健康、平和;再次,在...
Cultivating compassion in psychological therapists : the potential of loving-kindness meditation Section A: summarises theory and research relevant to the role of compassion in the work of psychological therapists. Two approaches that are thought to cu... IA Boellinghaus - 《Canterbury Christ Church...
Loving-Kindness Meditation - How to create more joy, hope and love in your lifeFredrik Andersson
Headspace co-founder Andysays: “The starting point in meditation is traditionally learning how to be kind to oneself: how to let go of judgement and not be so critical. When we do that, it’s not that we’re creating kindness. But when we let go of those things, we find a softer,...
Metta (or loving-kindness) meditation uses the power of love (not romantic love, but an overall spirit of well-wishing and nurturing) to heal, transform, and inspire. Sharon Salzburg's 6-phase meditation course shows how harboring compassion and loving energy has lasting, positive results that...
Surveys were conducted at two metta meditation retreats in order to examine the psychological effects of metta meditation. Participants were invited to complete the survey at the beginning of the retreat, at the end of the retreat, and two weeks after the end of the retreat. Participants ...