His sudden death took all of us by surprise. Yet, I had aknowingwhen I moved back to GA and purchased a home large enough for him and his family to live with me. Since, his death, I have disposed of all of my things and put my home up for sale without thought or regret. There...
Once again, I find myself realizing how utterly andcompletely dependentI am on my Lord for my daily bread, daily provisions- for everything. It has struck me anew how like lost sheep we are. We need a shepherd, someone to care for and guide us. I’ve caught myself wishing for etern...
As I sit here writing my last devotional, I can’t express to you how much my heart is filled with gratitude and joy. I end this journey with this last verse, praying that the grace and love of Jesus Christ will always be upon you. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have spen...
but the good of others.” Well, you say that isn’t about love. Your right, but let me tell you there are a lot of bible verses about love. 1 John 4:10 “This is real love–not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins...
You may recognize these verses as a benediction that is often given at the end of a worship service, and if you are like me, each time we see or hear it, we are in awe of His love for us and His desire to give us the blessings of life. But if we take a closer look at these...
In all the ways we honor and glorify God on this day for His goodness to us, may we remember to give Him praise for the gift of His Word – ourHolyBible. In a day and age when there seems to be little certainty about anything, God gives us the assurance in the pages of Scripture...
A new year, a new me – fully committed and ready to go. I pray I can do it. I pray for strength, patience, determination, and a love for myself that will make me motivated to carry it through, and hopefully it will pay off, give me more energy, and enable me do all those th...