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泰勒·斯威芙特与肖恩·蒙德兹强强联手,打造流行单曲《Lover(Remix)全集》,数字发行展现音乐魅力,豆瓣评分5.8,值得一听的音乐盛宴。 我这里有一份它的完整资源,快来点击[Taylor Swift Shawn Mendes Lover Remix mp3]在线免费获取吧~
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Lover (remix)版本雪花球歌词MV[高清版]出炉! #TaylorSwift[超话]# http://t.cn/Aidlo7aB
Lover (remix)- Taylor Swift & Shawn Mendes We can leave the Christmas lights up 'til January This is our place we make the rules And there's a dazzling haze A mysterious way about you dear Have I known you 20 secon...
作词: Taylor Swift 作曲: Taylor SwiftWe could leave the Christmas lights up 'til JanuaryAnd this is our place, we make the rulesAnd there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dearHave I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?Can I go where you go?Can we always be this close?
歌曲名 Lover (Remix) 歌手名 Taylor Swift+Shawn Mendes 作词:Taylor Swift+Shawn Mendes+Scott Harris 作曲:Taylor Swift+Shawn Mendes+Scott Harris Taylor Swift: We can leave the Christmas lights up 'til January This is our place we make the rules ...
Taylor Swift《Lover (Remix)》MV在线看!Taylor Swift 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Lover (Remix) - Taylor Swift/Shawn Mendes Lyrics by:Taylor Swift/Shawn Mendes/Scott Harris Composed by:Taylor Swift/Shawn Mendes/Scott Harris Taylor Swift: We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January This is our place we make the rules ...
Lover (Remix) - Taylor Swift/Shawn Mendes Lyrics by:Taylor Swift/Shawn Mendes/Scott Harris Composed by:Taylor Swift/Shawn Mendes/Scott Harris Taylor Swift: We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January This is our place we make the rules ...