* THE DREAM QUEST OF UNKNOWN KADATH Three times Randolph Carter dreamed of the marvelous city, and three times was he snatched away while still he paused on the high terrace above it. All golden and lovely it blazed in the sunset, with walls, temples, colonnades and arched bridges of ...
TheDream-QuestofUnknownKadath《梦寻秘境卡达斯》原著:H.P.Lovecraft伦道夫 卡特曾三次梦见那座精美绝伦的城市,但每次他都只能在城市上方高处的露台上稍 作停留,旋即便被某种力量紧紧攫住,从梦境中拖离开去。一连三次,皆是如此。 他记得,在夕阳的照耀下,整座城市——那些高墙,那些庙宇,那些柱廊还有那些 ...
Paul Wilson, Guillermo del Toro, and Neil Gaiman. Included in this volume are The Case of Charles Dexter Ward The Call of Cthulhu The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath At the Mountains of Madness The Shadow Over Innsmouth The Color Out of Space The Dunwich Horror and many more ha...
The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath features Randolph Carter, a scholar and antiquarian driven to explore the “Dreamlands”: an alternate dimension accessible only via dreams. Carter has already dreamt several times of a majestic city on the horizon which he’s never been able to get close to....
而長篇小說《卡達思夢尋記》(The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath),更是深入卡特的夢國度;至於該小說中的第一篇故事〈藍道夫‧卡特的宣言〉(The Statement of Randolph Carter),更是直接擷取洛夫克萊夫特本人的惡夢之一。其他的夢境也出現在〈牆中鼠〉和〈魔屋之夢〉等多篇故事裡。〈克蘇魯的呼喚〉是完整觸及...
P. Lovecraft's technique of producing the experience of the endless north and how the sense of motion and balance may be affected through the rhetorical device of topothesia , or the description of an imaginary place, in the short novel The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1943). Worlds and...
ped in ancient Britain. The god looks like a fierce, old man with gray hair and a long beard. He is said to ride in chariot constructed out of a gigantic seashell, and the whole thing is pulled by mythical beasts. He also appears in the story “The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath.”...
Considered one of the best short stories of Lovecraft’s early period, aspects of The Cats of Ulthar would be referenced again in the author’s works The Other Gods and The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath. It was first published in the literary journal Tryout in November 1920 and now ...
这是Lovecraft小说中虚构的一个小镇,曾出现于小说The Dream-Quest ofUnknown Kadath (1926), "The Cats of Ulthar" (1920) 和 "The Other Gods" (1933)。乌撒以那条''no man may kill a cat ''的法律而闻名。乌撒的猫具有灵性,能和懂得猫语的人类交谈。在乌撒可以找到旧日支配者(Elder Ones)的神庙。