If bonded to a human, they will make a very special pet indeed; ever loving as is true to its name. However, they do need a mate that spends significant time throughout the day with them – and in the absence of a bird mate – the bird owner has to fill this strong need for aff...
LOVEBIRDS AS PETS Lovebirds are social creatures, so keeping one without a pair is not recommended. Pet lovebirds are hyperactive so they must be given large and spacious cages with perches that they can use to sit on. Since lovebirds love a sense of companionship, they may be bored, str...
Successfully training lovebirds is possible if you know some simple secrets that will help you do so quickly and easily. Don’t live in misery anymore with a pet you can’t stand, and DON’T give your bird away. Learn how to train a lovebird using some simple techniques that were uncove...
Lovebirds can start breedingwhen they are as young as ten months of age and may continue until they are five to six years. They are very prolific and may produce several egg clutches within a single year. Due to this, they areusually readily available on the pet market. ...
The Peachface Lovebird is easier to tame than many of the other lovebirds. Its intelligence is equivalent to that of a larger bird such as a macaw. If kept alone, they will bond to the owner, especially if hand-fed. Peachface Lovebird As A Pet ...
Lovebirds are a small, beautiful, and intelligent species of parrot. They may not talk as much as their larger cousins, but their small size and bubbly personalities make them some of the most popular pet birds. Looking for a lovebird of your own? It’s time to find the perfect lovebird...
As a parrot owner, it's important to be aware of common diseases that can affect captive parrots. Here are some of the most common diseases to watch out for: Psittacosis: Also known as parrot fever, this is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to humans as... ...
Some lovebirds will start to bite certain family members or guests out of jealousy. In the wild, these birds mate for life, so a pet will often become bonded to one human, usually the one that interacts with him most often. He then might bite anyone he sees as a threat to the relati...
Given how popular the peach-faced lovebird is as a pet, it’s only natural that the species hasspread across the world. Lovebirds in Arizona gravitate towardscacti, where they’ll hollow out a section and use the plant as a nest. City-dwelling lovebirds do the same in trees or crevice...
Bacteria can also be responsible for diarrhea in our pet lovebird. Among them, the most frequently involved will be: Chlamydia Psittaci Escherichia coli Clostridium Slamonella Chlamydiosisis perhaps the most remarkable because of its status as a zoonosis (it can affect immunosuppressed people) and...