In Sydney, Australia, police are on the lookout for a sick twisted individual who is truly fucking up sex shops in the area. It seems the guy is ripping off blow-up dolls and taking them to the alley, blowing them up, abusing them (sexually), and leaving the poor defenseless dolls blo...
a:me_ya_ri a:miarrow a:miki_moo a:minuiko a:minyandu a:miss_synph a:mneiai a:modestroad a:munnin_odanin a:museofspeed a:mybatboys a:myranda_ync a:mystic_majestic a:niftywithan a:nightfall_0 a:nightwing_subs a:nogutsnoglory (tumblr) ...
FK –Big food, big pharma, big banking, big war. Looked for a meme with those and couldn’t find one. Maybe I’ll make one so x can block it from being seen. The last I looked bitcoin and all other cryptos allegedly excluding monero are trackable and thus taxable and thus the blac...
Just ‘cause when ya find a girl so seemingly perfect for ya, you hate to see her get away – and that before you’ve really had a chance. Rule 89: Don’t Be Hasty Sometimes, a date will turn your stomach. Whether they are obnoxious, unpleasant, whatever – sometimes you know you ...
Ya Know Down But Not Out AWOL Fuck You Haiku: Ode To Grasshopper Some Folks Just Don't Get It. This Is The New Shit Ya Know Down But Not Out AWOL Fuck You Haiku: Ode To Grasshopper Some Folks Just Don’t Get It. History Of Evyl History Of Evyl Categories Categories The...
YA! you what now? Move over. excuse me??? 0 reply 2 Live4dmoment December 13, 2024 at 5:45 PM I am loving the teasers. But the big question is, will the teasers be good as the whole drama? Please please. They already have good chemistry and the story will play a lot. I ...
ones with the beds because we spent the night in the bar where Mike almost took some guy out who was too drunk and was pestering a woman. I found the whole experience pretty …“Wow, I am out in the big world!” Because for years I had been staying home, taking care of the kids...
I’ve kept to it all this time. In its service, she took me with her on visits to the old, sick and lonely. When we went to see the lady with the coffee table made out of a Ouija board, the only comment Grammie made about it was a pleasant, “Well, will ya look at that.”...
See ya, paparazzi. Oh, wait. It’s her job to have her everyday life filmed. The more drama, the better. The car is one of her favorites, but it was an extravagant wedding gift for her and her former husband from a disreputable Malaysian businessman. There’s the dram...
(Oh, and did I mention that one of the two dudes who hooked up was 5’8″? Just gonna drop that data point there for ya.) Sorry Gigachad, we stan a short king who worked on his intimacy issues. Shit, you can evenask womenwhat they prefer. One great example of this would be Bre...