LIVE. LAUGH.LOVE. James Paul R. Aquino "LIVELOVELAUGH" was what it said. It made me smile and think how simple those words are‚ yet how serious they are. I wondered how and if I could have or do all three‚ simultaneously. What I discovered was it was something that came from...
If Love now Reigned, a poem written by Henry VIII, King of England, is a classic piece of literature that has stood the test of time. The poem is a beautiful expression of love and the desire for it to reign supreme in the world. In this analysis, we will explore the themes, struc...
”(Sermon 39 Catholic Spirit) has made allowances for Bishop Karen Oliveto to teach that the church has been wrong to make an idol out of Jesus and that Jesus himself was led by a Syrophoenician woman to repent of bigotry as if he was an ordinary sinner like the rest of us...
This week two courageous and brave women spoke their truth. In doing so, they stood up for America and the world. They are my Heroes. In standing up to speak out, they risked violence, retributions and death threats. They have since received some of each. That is why there are so few...
love,andtobewise.Neitherdoththisweaknessappeartoothersonly,andnottothepartyloved;buttothelovedmostofall: exceptthelovebereciproque.Foritisatruerule,thatloveiseverrewarded,eitherwiththereciproque,orwithaninwardand secretcontempt.Byhowmuchthemore,menoughttobewareofthispassion,which loseth not only other th...
Now it is hard for me to sit here and type this paper when I know good and well that if my daughter or wife were ever raped I would want whatever was inside of them out -- immediately. I think that to take the life of an unborn just because the couple Free Pregnancy Abortion ...
Those things that may her honor overthrow. But ’tis thankworthy if she will not take All lawful liberties for honor’s sake. That wife her hand against her fame doth rear, That more than to her lord alone will give A private word to any second ear, And though she may with reputation...