【TABS】物理魔法师马修2_op「Bling-Bang-Bang-Born_Creepy Nuts」吉他cover 395播放 爆走指弾!!「Bling‐Bang‐Bang‐Born」【物理魔法使马修OP】 3.3万播放 We Don't Talk Anymore 16.4万播放 【吉他教学】廖俊涛《谁》吉他教学弹唱教学 13.6万播放 【吉他教学】初学者必看的霉霉经典《love story 》单音旋律...
爱情故事 Cuento de Amor with Tab(安东尼奥.希门尼斯.曼琼 古典吉他) 热度: 一首华尔兹和两段爱情故事 Uma Valsa E Dois Amores with Tab(迪勒曼多.雷斯 古典吉他) 热度: 古典吉他名曲精选系列 Francis.Lai(1932-) VIP SHEETMUSIC WITHTABS CLASSICALGUITAR ...
来源ytb Van Halen - Love Walks In - Guitar Solo Lesson, with Tabs! 演奏 音乐 演奏 音乐 教学 0评论 按热度排序 按时间排序 请先登录后发表评论 (・ω・)发表评论 表情 看看下面~来发评论吧 没有更多评论飞行的虫子 发消息 爱音乐,弹吉他。本人只搬运,不原创,来源ytb,不定期更新,欢迎随时关注。
Verse Guitar 2 e|0---0---0---0---0---0---0---0--| B|3---3---3---3---3---3---3---3--| G|2---2---4---2---2---2---4---2--| D|0---0---4---0---0---0---4---2--| A|x---0---2---0---x---0---2---0--| E|x-...
GuitarUkulelePiano Strumming There is no strumming pattern for this song yet.Createand get+5 IQ Can’t Help Falling In Love With You chords *** Elvis Presley 1961 (Blue Hawaii) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can%27t_Help_Falling_in_Love Capo II ** [Intro]CGAmFCGC[Verse 1]CEmAmFCGWis...
I love tabs .com : 1679 tablators and scores for bass guitarFind a tablatorBy publication date By difficulty By name By popularity By celebrity By year ↑ By year ↓Other pagesSoon ! Contribute ♥ Contact Other languagesVersion française ...
GuitarUkulelePiano G Bm C Cm Bsus4 B Em Em/D G/B Am7 D F Strumming There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Create and get +5 IQ [Verse 1] G Bm C Cm 黑暗中的我们都没有说话 你只想回家 不想你回家 hei an zhong di wo men dou mei you shuo hua ni ...
24 Story Love Affair Band: Faber Drive Song: 24 Story Love Affair Album: Seven Second Surgery Note: This is just the rhythm guitar part NOT the lead guitar. Also, I did not make this I simply moved it from the band "Faber" to the band "Faber Drive" because the author of...
爱的故事 Love Story with Tab(泰勒·斯威夫特 古典吉他) 热度: 密愛Secret Love with Tab(武满彻 編曲 古典吉他) 热度: 古典吉他名曲精选系列 TelaMu VIP SHEETMUSIC WITHTABS CLASSICALGUITAR TRANSCRIPTIONS Daughter'sLove Daughter'sLove 86 DroppedD