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Love Is a Four Letter Word: Dirigido por Harvey Frost. Com Teri Polo, Robert Mailhouse, Barry Bostwick, Michele Santopietro. A pair of divorce lawyers fall for each other while representing clients in a divorce settlement.
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(2019). Storydoing: Eficácia Cultural para las Marcas. Castelló, Spain: Universitat Jaume I. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10234/184894 Loyal, K. (2018). Brand storytelling, defined. Retrieved from: www.scribewise.com/brand- storytelling-defined/ Mancuso, J., and K. Stuth. 2014...
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(Para.115) Ellipsis and inversion. I decided that I would give her one more chance. There is a limit to what any human being can bear.Implied meaning:if I failed this time, I would give up.第5页/共30页4. “The next fallacy is call 8、ed Poisoning the Well.” (Para.115) Its ...
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