This tradition is an age-old practice in India, where arranged marriages are still a common norm. It compares the zodiac of the two individuals going to be married. The primary goal of matching Kundlis prior to marriage is to ensure a long, happy, and prosperous marriage for the couple. ...
Arleen drove up to the house in her Dodge Aspen station wagon, looking every bit the part of a suburban mother, and when she stepped out, Chris was waiting for her—calculator in hand. Arleen in fact, only worked part time in the area where the calculator was to be repaired and thought...
Leos should be prepared for major changes in their love life in 2019. This is because Uranus is in your House of Love and Romance. The stars say that Leos will experience love at first sight. You will not know when and with whom you fall in love with. The truth will sink in only a...
爱心管理爱是一种生企业培训产力(Loveloveisakindofstudent managementofenterprisetraininglaborforce) Whenhevisitedasuccessfulentrepreneur,heaskedhimtolead hiscompany."ThewayIleademployeesisverysimple,onlytwo sentences:yourlifeismine,andmycompanyisyours."." Entrepreneurtheory.Whyisthelifeofthestaffyours?Why do...