Hymn of Death, an emotional and gripping K-drama, is based on the tragic true story of Korea's first soprano, Yoon Sim-deok (Shin Hye Sun), and her passion-filled relationship with playwright Kim Woo-jin (Lee Jong Suk). Their secret love story, juxtaposed with artistic...
In my early teens when like many another teen, I experienced deep despair, these words by someone called Frederick Langridge kept me going:’Two men look out through the same bars; One sees the mud, and one the stars’ , and later, twice as old now, in my late twenties, stranded in ...
His heart in me keeps him and me in one; My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides: He loves my heart, for once it was his own; I cherish his because in me it bides: My true-love hath my heart, and I have his. “Last Night” by Théophile Julius Henry Marzials (Christia...
in the daytime dim and trust that I will act in my own best interest, and let me be. “I’m cold. Should we turn on the fireplace?” Dad ventured from his chair. Brother-in-law Mike had come to repair the wound to the bathroom tile resulting from installing a wider door, prompting...
Adoro Te Devote HymnGod makes His presenceknown to those who love Him.“[G]od can make His presence known in the heart of the one who loves Him by giving gentle inspirations to lead us to love Him more. The more the soul grows in love for God, the more docile it becomes to these...
Silence sang its muffled hymn beneath the incinerated pavement. Silence stalked by windows, intimidating the interiors of buildings. Silence rocked into stillness above the sewers with their immaculate rats. Silence flattened language, embalming it from the tallest peaks to the darkest depths. Nearly ...
was the Beer and Hymn sing at Black Abbey. Their small taproom was filled to capacity with Christmas carolers singing in unison, delightfully lending itself to an Irish pub feel. (beerhymns.com) So here’s to discovering the beer side of our city, and to drinking locally (and responsibly...
As a teenager growing up in Basel, Switzerland, electronic music was Müller’s red flag: against the guitar-bass-drum clichés of rock; against the bourgeoning racism of the early 1980s, against the “societal pressure to conform”. His god was Kraftwerk; his national hymn was Tubeway Army...
More than half of humanity lives in Asia. And Asia has long, rich traditions of philosophical reflection that have survived and left their works to us – unlike the thought of Mesoamerican traditions, where so much was pillaged and destroyed by the barbarian Spanish invaders. Asia is not even...
John Donne's Ambivalence about Death : A Close Reading of "Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness" This study analyzes one of John Donne's Holy Sonnets, "Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness," with a focus on the subject of death and his ambivalent thoughts about it. Donne is belie...