|【澳洲怪味后核/金属核/Emo猎奇】Lorna Slavin - Jaguar Shark 04:51 珍宝|【美国"Devotional"顶级旋律向Screamo】Fire Team Charlie - Golden Dragon 05:33 珍宝|【美国沧海遗珠女声Emo/独立摇滚】Red Fox Grey Fox - The Day You Accept Jesus Back Into... 04:47 珍宝|【美国沧海遗珠Emo/独立摇滚】...
Here, the phrase “love one another" doesn’t merely refer to our fellow believers. Following Christ means loving all of God's creatures on this earth with deep, sincere love. Christ’s love is an important example of the way we are to love one another, and we should strive to emulate...
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another(John 13:34-35). The word call means to call into action, to summon. Jesus used the word command which ...
Posted inBooks,Church,Devotional,Faith,God,Gospel,Jesus,Kingdom Values,Love First,Love of Christ,Love Others,Scripture|1 Comment The Five Love Languages: Learning to Love Like Jesus, Part 1 Posted onNovember 14, 2023byJason There are certain things we all share in common: each one of us ha...
(1923–2006). His coming out in 1963 had coincided with a religious turn. Raised an atheist, Van het Reve converted to Catholicism—old-schoolRomanCatholicism, with all its devotional camp, pomp, and circumstance. He was baptized in June 1966, shortly after having been charged with blasphemy ...
‘God, send me a wife’. I want you to pray for her like this. Lord Jesus, I thank you that you have the girl I am going to marry. I pray that she will come to know you – that you will protect her and bless her. Thank you that you are preparing us for one another. I ...
As You have loved us, may we love one another. Forgive us for the times when we have forgotten the cost of Your love, the life of Your Son, Jesus. I pray that we will live confidently today, knowing that we are Your children who You have chosen with a plan and purpose in mind. ...
Here’s Your 90 second AM Devotional! S-cripture: Matthew 9:13 “But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” O-bservation: Jesus made it clear in this passage, just before the one above, that doct...
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us…We love because he first loved us” (1 John 4:11-12, 19). “Love the Lord your God with ...
they are in vancouve 亲爱的朋友这星期六,那里将是devotionals和社会汇聚在我的(auberte)房子从2到4pm。 因为我在维多利亚,我的儿子dayyan,他的妻子yingza和他们的3个月大女儿euainn主持事件。 来遇见我的盛大女儿和参观与dayyan和yingza! 他们在温哥华直到frbruary第17,并且他们盼望所有这星期六看见您! aubert...