"In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. … And this commandment we have from Him: whoever loves God must also love his brother"(1 J...
for the eyes cannot hide what the heart feels.” So we have learned to look outward for this eternal love that will fulfill us, forgetting that it must first fill our own hearts. Perhaps that is why we fall into such pain and agony and sorrow when a love affair fails. It is at that...
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit love you just the way you are now, and exactly as God the Father loves Jesus the Son of Man*, therefore we are to love ourselves and one another in just the same way. John 13:34-35,“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as ...
only love and faith prevailed, and so Jesus was able to explain the Father’s plan of redemption. We read in Moses 1:39, “This is my work and my glory–to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” The Son of man was about to fulfill the work and glory of God, ...
i forgot my clothes i found courage knowi i fulfill yours i gave an i gave her none i gave him lip i gave his gift i generated an i get all worked up i get lonely yeah yea i get so lonely lonel i give away i give you a hair i glanced back on my i go to bed i got a ...
a heroic humility that allows us to remove our masks and be real. It is our inability to be with one another, our fear of crying with one another, that gives rise to so many of the problems we are frantically trying to solve in the first place, from Congressional gridlock to economic ...
” So we have learned to look outward for this eternal love that will fulfill us, forgetting that it must first fill our own hearts. Perhaps that is why we fall into such pain and agony and sorrow when a love affair fails. It is at that moment that we realize we did not fail the ...
" "If I did not sell love potions," said the old man, reaching for another bottle, "I should not have mentioned this other matter to you. It is only when one is in a position toobligethat one can afford to be soconfidential."...
If there’s someone in your life you are struggling to show love to, ask God to reveal how you can. Seek His wisdom in dealing with those who hurt you or agitate you and show them His love today. Be encouraged… 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God...
Jessica and Joyce were best friends in junior grade three. They did almost everything together. Then one day, after a misunderstanding, Joyce stopped talking to Jessica. For more than three months, Joyce refused to talk to Jessica or answer her notes.“During that time, I found out what an...