Mix together some sugar and cinnamon on a plate, rub lemon or some water along the edge of a short tumbler, then invert the tumbler onto the plate and twist it around to rim the glass with the cinnamon sugar. Then add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. You can be...
heavily reviewed establishments can also become equally hidden by the burden of spot-lit conceptual overexposure. In both cases, the charge of meaning falls on the restaurant alone: the chef, the staff, the servers, the space, the
camera down for the season, Hope shared some stories of other goat cam watchers: retired farmers in a nursing home who want to remember what it’s like to be on a farm, the veteran serving overseas who will come home to his family and their adopted goat kid, and so many other sweet ...
5. Turn the faucet off and walk the pot to your stove. Place the pot on stove top, over one of the burners. If you have an electric stove just place the pot on one of the circles on the glass that specify where the heat comes on (or if you are old school electric, place it d...
During the Christmas season you’ll find it on a lot of menus and it is generally considered a gourmet-type delicacy often served with truffles. French Bread The most well known traditional French food has to be the baguette, many imagine Frenchmen cycling along wearing a beret and with a ...
My older brother, my mom and me. Note how I was clearly always a fashion plate. But it’s the mistakes that we talk about. The clam chowder. The one that too salty, too thin, too clammy briny (I think she put the entire can in without draining the clams). And that’s a shame...
I apologized and peered into the pan she was shaking on our big stove. I’d give anything to have one like it now. With a large oven under the six burners and smaller ovens, a grill, and plate-warming spaces on the left side, it took up most of the kitchen wall. ...