So there's the meaning of that.这就是它的意义。To have a crush on someone.暗恋某人。Behind me the Bridge of Sighs, a very popular tourist attraction to come and take photos.我身后是叹息桥,这是一个非常受欢迎的旅游景点,可以来这里拍照。So it's rather busy.这里人很多。So the Bridge of ...
One day, I was already old, in the entrance of a public place, a man came to me. He introduced himself and said: "I've known you for years. Everyone says you were beautiful when you were young, but I want to...
真诚深刻:真诚永远是必杀技,英文三句话也可充满真诚。“With you, life is full of meaning. You understand me like no one else. I'm committed to us for a lifetime.” 和对方一起生活有意义,无人像对方般懂自己,承诺一生相守,真诚话语直抵人心。 大家是否也会尝试用英文写三句话情书给心爱的人?帮忙...
Indeed at the mere mention of the words her face would slowly darken with shame, and she would stand there craning her neck against the collar of her shirt, or rubbing her swamp boots together, for all the world like a great shamed, dumb-tongued child. But in other matters people trusted...
Significhi molto per me, come un caro amico. (You mean a lot to me, like a dear friend). Start speaking Italian fluently, fast. Try Lingvist for free Baci e abbracci: Hugs and Kisses When it comes to hugging and kissing, it’s important to be respectful of individual wishes, as we...
a : to conclude as to the nature or meaning of something what do you make of this development? b : to regard as being not the fool some make him 16 a : to produce as a result of action, effort, or behavior with respect to something make a mess of the job tried to ma...
made as though to hand it to me b : to act so as to be or to seem to be make merry c : behave, act Don't make as if you didn't hear me. d slang : to play a part usually used with like make like a chicken 4 : to increase in height or size the tide is...
Oh, oh woe-oh-woah is me Thefirsttime that youtouchedme Oh, willwondersever cease? Blessed be themysteryof love 哦,那一幕仍清晰可见 你的指尖第一次轻抚于我 那些美好是否终将消逝? 所幸爱之玄妙已被祝福永恒 这第一句全是语气词,我实在想不出来怎么翻。(主要是单纯翻成哦~什么的显然显然过于乏味)...
2. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone. 我们不应独自寻找生命的意义。 词链儿① find the meaning of XX 找到XX的意义 meaning n.(人生的)意义、价值、目标 You willfind the meaning oftrue love. ...
I trust that you will find me lovable and that you won’t abandon me; I trust the reciprocal nature of our love. If we trust each other, we are willing to be open to each other and can shed masks and pretenses and reveal our true selves.爱意味着相信我所爱的人。如果我爱你,我会...