1 loveblossom January 18, 2025 at 5:11 PM menu Parent Permalink Share to I just saw it. Doesn’t seem like this drama has much interest rn. :/ Hmm, I haven’t watched Crash so I don’t know. Being that Unmasked is on Disney+, it seems to be a little edgier. There wer...
Park Yoochun Sensory Couple Ep 1 English Sub The Girl Who Sees Smells ep 1 냄새를 보는 소녀 Posted onJune 3, 2015byMomma Cha Reply I’m just getting to see this wonderful drama. You’re doing a great job, Mickey. You can find it on Drama Fever, Viki, KDrama, and mo...
), only to find him long gone. Ho-gu has drawn a crowd nearby, where he’s chucking their picnic lunch at oppa’s car, screaming like a crazy person: “If a boyfriend is an oppa, and a biological brother is an oppa, and I’M an oppa, it should’ve been taught in the language...
even vaguely dissatisfied at the end of it all hits much harder than it should, because it’s not the same as watching a nonsensical ending to a bad show or even a mediocre ending to an already-middling show—Fated To Love You was like a ray of sunshine on dramaland’s darkest day...