情書(Love Letter)算是一款輕鬆小品的桌遊。規則機制很有趣,只有16張角色牌,每張牌有自己的能力可以牽制對手。遊戲背景是玩家想要追求公主,想要透過情書表達愛意,但必須透過公主身邊的人才能把情書傳遞給她。桌遊規則非常簡單,節奏也很明快,是個簡易上手的小型桌遊。
Love Letter Game Rules Game Components 16 game cards 4 reference cards tokens of affection Setup Shuffle the 16 cards to form a face-down draw deck. Remove the top card of the deck from the game without looking at it. If you are playing a two-player game, take three more cards from ...
03月06日漏签0天 galgame吧 关注:1,734,972贴子:24,986,376 看贴 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一页 尾页 515回复贴,共30页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回galgame吧【直播】Love Letter 只看楼主收藏回复 dcipoqrueoadfl 巨巨宙宙 11 一楼女神 送TA礼物 1楼2019-01-06...
by eBirdman Mar 12, 2020 Game Rulespdf 20MB · 478 Downloads This file contains the entire rule book of the game, alongside pictures of each card to make it easier to remember their ability. It is a two sided A3 paper, ready to print. You can also split page 1 in two, and print...
“爱与恨交织于情书的字里行间,诉说着我对你永恒的倾慕”【洋壹】2002年冷门猎奇小众galgame【Love Letter】游戏实况 5422播放 【洋壹】2002年冷门猎奇小众galgame【Love Letter】游戏实况 p2 3月2日 2792播放 丧失人性的秘密村落?暗藏疯狂的诡异祭祀仪式!这款21年前的游戏到底讲述了怎样的故事?【洋壹】galgame...
Love Letter 家庭游戏 "新手友好的快节奏游戏" 游戏人数 2~4 游戏时间 20~20min 策略重度 7.3 出版年份 2012 游戏简介 玩家们扮演一群公主的追求者,试图在对手之前通过公主的亲信们把他的情书传到她手中。在游戏中,你持有一张秘密的手牌。这是目前帮你向公主传情书的人物。 你要确保在最后一天,把情书交到离...
【洋壹】2002年冷门猎奇小众galgame【Love Letter】游戏实况 p14 瑞穗线 3月1日 是洋壹呀 596 0 诡域世堺 勤学高中(第一集) 域河 动画 微恐 悬疑 雕老六- 8.4万 126 循环歌单 ||“好听的Future Bass,硬控三分钟。”||《Into You》 星光note 2.6万 1 ...
Send the other suitors packing, gain the advantage and win the game. Let's get started! Features: • Simple rules and quick turns in this game adapted from the multi-award winning card game Love Letter • 1 to 4 players • Play in single-player mode against the computer, against yo...
Love Letter情书游戏特色 游戏改编自情书十分的浪漫; 游戏场景十分的华丽大气很有古宫廷风格; 操作简单剧情浪漫曲折可玩性高! Love Letter情书游戏亮点 游戏规则简单节奏气氛欢快; 各种模式随意切换还能好友对战; 支持多人对战还能联机快来下载! Love Letter情书游戏趣味 ...
Lovecraft Letter is a card game that combines the Love Letter system with the world of H.P. Lovecraft. In addition to the standard sixteen cards in the Love Letter game are new versions of the cards that include special "insanity" powers. If you have one of these cards in your discard ...