Love is in the Air walkthrough for World of Warcraft with quest details, achievement explanations, item lists, boss strategies, etc.
But that is in-spite of the direction shadow was taken into during Legion, BFA, Shadowlands and not because of it. I already stated as much. But I also stated that the ideas that brought us to this point are still half thought ideas that could be flushed out a bit more by addressing...
- Gear, till wotlk you where always busy to collect better gear, atm this i cant say this, since its to easy to gear up (alts full epic in 2-3 weeks etc :x) - And there is ofcouse, lore, voices, cinematics, funny char names etc, the game has some humor time to time ...
Loved the vampiric class fantasy, the constant green numbers from permanent 25% VE, the depth of design. Early DF SP was also very fun, but since then it’s gotten fairly miserable. Taking away all the instants was a horrible idea, having to hard cast everything in this meta is awful....