classmates, Aoi Nishimori and Shuusei Kugayama who end up living together due to circumstances. While Aoi is independent and strong-willed, Shuusei is known as the "Prince" of their school. As they navigate through this unique cohabitation set up, they gradually develop feelings for one another...
Izumi, is the dark sheep of the family, as his dream is to become a famous mangaka. Against his will, he is involved in a commercial shoot where he has to dress as a girl and because of this, the great
Someone recommended me to watch, I really love this movie: 甜蜜蜜 (Chinese title) or "Comrades, Almost a Love Story" (English title) (Hong Kong, 1996) The Chinese title of the film is from a famous song by Teresa Teng (邓丽君).
But that’s the really difficult part. Since concern about getting raped is such a traumatic part of daily life for women, why are BL fans consuming so many series with non-consent themes? First, it’s important to note that most BL is VERY tame. The most we ever see on screen is k...
For me, since I love making people laugh (improv class is a hoot – I totally recommend trying one out, and a great public speaking course at my job taught by my friend Michele, enabled me to properly roast some dear colleagues for a retirement and farewell), that aspect of Ms. Joke...
While Tokyo’s neighborhood of Akihabara is known worldwide as the center ofotakuculture—a veritable capital of geek-dom, if you will—female enthusiasts tend to congregate beyond of the spotlight in Ikebukuro, on the other side of the city. They flock to Otome Road, or “Maiden’s Road”...
Applications like this give the Japanese Otaku generation an alternative "Waifu" especially for those who find it difficult or nearly impossible to land a real wife. You would be surprised to know that many Japanese men do actually fall in love with their anime babes. On the Western front ...
Kondo's path to Miku came after difficult encounters with women as an anime-mad teenager. "Girls would say 'Drop dead, creepy otaku!'," he recalled, using a Japanese term for geeks that can carry a negative connotation. Kondo sleeps alongside a doll version of Miku, complete with a weddi...
Hisora is the only flesh and blood human, wandering around in this world filled with creepy things. He looks for a way to return to his own world, but there is none. Hisora searches for a way to return home with the help of the Inn’s inhabitants. He ventures into the town, where...
Anne’s Pick SOLUTIONS AND OTHER PROBLEMS is perfect for: the sibling you love but don't talk to enough; your best friend, who you FaceTime with at 3 a.m.; your therapist, who helped you get through 2020, or your Gen Z niece/nephew, who you desperately want to impress. Whether or...