Love is blindand sometimes deaf. 爱情是盲目的,有时甚至是聋的。 辞典例句 You give your love to me forlove is blind. 你给了我你的爱,盲目的爱. 互联网 Andlove is blindand that I knew when. 爱情是盲目的,我知道从某时起. 互联网
Love is blind是什么意思、Love is blind怎么读 读音:英[lʌv ɪz blaɪnd] 美[lʌv ɪz blaɪnd] Love is blind 基本解释 爱情使人盲目 词组短语 1、but love is blind 但爱情是盲目的 2、platonic love is blind 柏拉图式的爱情是盲目的 ...
Jonathan:I guess it's true.Love is blind. Love is a very powerful feeling... When we are in love, sometimes we do not think clearly... or see clearly. So, when we are in love with someone, we may refuse to see anything bad about that person....
LOVE IS BLIND,直译为“爱情是盲目的”,这表达了一个深刻的情感观念。它意味着在恋人眼中,对方总是完美无瑕,仿佛“情人眼里出西施”,爱使人忽略了对方的缺点,变得盲目。比如,有人会说“你将你的爱给我,我们的爱是盲目的”,这传达出恋爱中那种深深的迷恋和无条件的信任。另一个例子是,“从...
Love is blind. 应该是吧 爱情会让人盲目 Love is a very powerful feeling... 爱是种很强大的感觉 When we are in love, sometimes we do not think clearly... or see clearly. 当我们陷入爱情的时候 有时候头脑或双眼会被蒙蔽 So, when we are in love with someone, we may refuse to see ...
Jonathan:I guess it's true.Love is blind. Love is a very powerful feeling... When we are in love, sometimes we do not think clearly... or see clearly. So, when we are in love with someone, we may refuse to see anything bad about that person...
[4] S01E02.你愿意跟我结婚吗?(... 9778播放 19:51 [5] S01E02.你愿意跟我结婚吗?(... 2269播放 待播放 [6] S01E02.你愿意跟我结婚吗?(... 2154播放 19:45 [7] S01E03.共度的第一夜(上) 3.1万播放 17:43 [8] S01E03.共度的第一夜(中) 2799播放 17:45 [9] S01E03.共...
学习 回复0 心御心情8月前 打卡支持 回复0 大魔王小狐君70518月前 英语是人类的进步,是世界的未来 回复0 笑语欢哥6668月前 情人眼里出西施: Love is blind. Beauty lies in lovers' eyes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 回复0 北昊然0176月前 回复0 常德运n77月前 回复0 没有更多评论了哦...
奈飞的新作《Love is blind》用一场婚恋实验告诉观众,素人嘉宾从陌生到结婚最快只需要40天的时间。 节目邀请15对素人嘉宾以结婚为前提一起参与实验,论证限定10天的约会期限,能否让这些单身男女在素未谋面的情况之下找到真爱并订婚,订婚之后见面生活的两个人,又能否如期在一个月后正式举办婚礼。 这场限定40天的婚恋...
[英语中字][Netflix真人秀]爱情盲选 第一季 Love Is Blind Season 1听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课