Recovering from his breakup, Go Young takes a trip to Thailand with a stranger, and manages to learn more about himself in the process. Can Go Young reach the personal enlightenment he desires? This 2024 Korean drama features Heo Jin Ho, Hong Ji Young, Son Tae Kyeom, and Kim Se In as...
Love in the Big City: Con Nam Yoon-Su, Byun Jun-seo, Kwon Hyuk, Na Hyeon-u. Un drama que describe alegremente el amor y la separación entre la generación de jóvenes de espíritu libre.
Love in the Big City: Regia di E.oni. Con Kim Go-eun, Steve Sanghyun Noh, Salim Benoit, Oh Dong-min. Incompresi come più che amici, i coinquilini Jae-hee e Heung-soo affrontano le complessità del romanticismo moderno nella grande città di Seoul.
my perception of nam yoon su as an actor has grown exponentially since seeing this drama. his performance as the flawed yet poignant and poetic go young left me laughing, smiling, and in tears multiple times throughout the drama. his chemistry with each of his love interests was amazing and...
Gyu Ho was God's apology to Go Young for all the boys he'd loved before, and I cried when he fumbled that blessing for a half eaten hamburger. But, thank God they met again in that bar, moved in together to the new place and decided to get married in the finale. #heartheart XD...
by Sang Young Park Translated from Korean by Anton Hur A funny, transporting, surprising, and poignant novel that was one of the highest selling debuts of recent years in Korea, Love in the Big City tells the story of a young gay man searching for happiness in the lonely city of Seoul...
Love in the Big City has released the main trailer for the show featuring Nam Yoon Su ahead of its grand premiere.
K-Drama Love or Kdramalove is a web site featuring Korean drama fan reviews, synopsis, images, videos, OST, about Korean Television Drama TV shows, Asian films, and drama
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One day, while paragliding, an accident caused by strong winds leads Yoon Se-Ri to make an emergency landing in North Korea. There, she meets Ri Jeong-Hyeok (Hyun-Bin), who is a North Korean army officer. He tries to protect her and hide her. Soon, Ri Jeong-Hyeok falls in love ...