Yet even as wealth ensued, you fell to the British in 1664 with little opposition – your new name, a tribute to the English Duke of York. After revolutionary war and ravaging fires, the world began arriving on your shores. Soon, the juxtaposition of poor crowded neighbourhoods, with the ...
Subtropic, The Architecture of [STRANG] (Image credit: Strang Design) Oscar Riera Ojeda Publishers Subtropic is a luxurious presentation of Max Strang's work, and his Miami based studio's studies in architecture for the subtropical climate. Alongside Strang's works and words, the book features...
Ok, so we aren’t exactly known as the Sunshine State, or have long, sunny beaches like California; but we don’t have to worry about killing floods, hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes, typhoons, sub-zero temps (at least not too often), how many “feet” of snow we will get (excep...
vote with your dollars, and show these super deserving small businesses some love. It all started because after getting personal inthis post on IGandFacebook, I came acrossan articlethat said“…over the past 30 years, the US has seen a sharp decline in ...