His works have been translated into many languages, including Spanish, Turkish, German, Russian, Urdu, Arabic, French and Italian. Brad Gooch, who wrote a biography of Rumi, describes him as “a poet of joy and of love.” Rumi’s work continues to resonate today. In his honor, below is...
I am Ana Lafuente, and although my roots are in Bilbao, I was born in Madrid and I feel Madrilenian from the bottom of my heart. I studied translation and specialized in translating English, German, Italian, and sometime later I began to study Chinese. During the time I worked as a f...
love(v.) Old Englishlufian"to feel love for, cherish, show love to; delight in, approve," from Proto-Germanic*lubojanan(source also of Old High Germanlubon, Germanlieben), a verb from the root oflove(n.). Weakened sense of "like" attested by c. 1200. Intransitive sense "be in lov...
"About 60 percent of the works of Marx and Engels are written in German, 30 percent in English, and the others in French, Danish, Czech and Italian," translator Li Chaohui said, adding that the variety of languages added to their work load. "Hard as it is to translate, the second ed...
Love in Renaissance Philosophy Notes 1. Nelson (1958), 257. All translations from Latin are my own unless otherwise stated. 2. See Bravo (2006). See also Ligota and Quantin’s “Introduction” to the same volume, 1–38. 3. Casaubon,Generall Learning, 89 and 92. See also Serjeantson’...
A divorce and a turbulent love affair later, she emerges battered and bewildered and realises it is time to pursue her own journey in search of three things she has been missing: pleasure, devotion and balance. So she travels to Rome, where she learns Italian from handsome, brown-eyed ...
WOMAN= Welcome back to LE IENE, 10.35pm we are live(it’s not true)and we are about to meet the most famous trio in Italian music. Three guys whose fame in our country is surpassed only by that which they were able to repay from a very young age all over the world. But if you...
Tiramisu in the Italian original text, “Tira” is “raises, pulls” a meaning, “Mi” is “I”, “Su” is “upward”, gathers is “pulls me to get up” meaning; Also has another kind of explanation is “leads me to walk” and “remembers me”, not only carries off the delicacy...
This Italian anthology film explores the many facets of love through three distinct stories, each showcasing older characters searching for true connection and affection. The film eloquently demonstrates that love knows no age limits and can be as complex and challenging as it is enchanting. Rel...
但丁爱情诗集 精装收藏 Collectors Library系列小金书 Dante Alighieri 英文原版 La Vita Nuova: Love Poem 作者:Alighieri出版社:MacMillan Collector’s Library出版时间:2021年01月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥68.00 配送至 北京 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“中国进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。