Love Fulfills the Law 8Be indebted to no one, except to one another in love. For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.9The commandments“Do not commit adultery,”“Do not murder,”“Do not steal,”“Do not covet,”andanyothercommandments,are summed upinthisonedecree:“Loveyo...
Love Fulfills the Law - Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the
I am learning to rest in them, to find comfort in God’s character (God is good and is working all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes), and to seek God for what I am learning in the season of waiting.I talk about how in ...
Love fulfills the law because it does no harm to it’s neighbor (Romans 13:10). Love is holy and without any sin, including selfishness the most destructive sin. Love involves freedom and equality. Love is not rude nor full of mean sarcasm. Love builds up. Love gets low to serve not...
Love fulfills the law, because if we truly love every person because he is a person, we will not desire to hurt or violate him or her, thus never break the law. God established love as the impetus for obedience. III. Embody the distinguishing nature of love When we demonstrate Christian...
when it is right for that individual. There is great sorrow and loneliness in this world. Loneliness that has succumbed due to depravity and separation between God and humanity. The stories I heard last night remind me that there is hope. Hope in Jesus, a savior who fulfills. Jesus is t...
Love by its nature fulfills all the law. Where there is no love there needs to be law, but where love is there is no need for law. “Jesus said to him,“‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.. This is the first ...
Christ, as the ultimate sacrificial Lamb (John 1:29), fulfills and surpasses these sacrifices. The phrase "One died for all" also reflects the prophetic anticipation of a Messiah who would bear the sins of many (Isaiah 53:5-6). This conviction is foundational for evangelism and the ...
35 Empowering Bible Verses About Women 25 Comforting Bible Verses About Depression The 80 Most Inspirational Bible Quotes to Read 40 Mother's Day Bible Verses That Are Full of Love 50 Bible Verses About Mothers 30 Graduation Bible Verses for Faithful Graduates ...
Love fulfills the law because it does no harm to its neighbor (Romans 13:10). Why share these things, and I promise I am not complaining? Because if our picture of Jesus is violent, hateful, nasty, rude, unkind, mean spirited, argumentative, proud, hostile, etc…it’s not Jesus of ...