If you and your partner are having issues feeling emotionally intimate, consider seeking out a couple’s therapist or amarriage counselor. A professional, unbiased party can help open lines of dialogue in a relationship, pinpoint areas in need of attention, and flesh out issues that might be p...
Now, as the calendar pages turn to 2024, I reconnected with Zhang on the eve of a milestone – the 20th anniversary of his marriage to Li Suyun, a union that many believed would be short-lived. This interview ...
We, my brother and sisters and I, navigated a week of days too filled with tasks to feel much grief—writing an obituary that attempted to summarize in two pages the long life of a great man—preparing a funeral program involving dozens of family members—writing a funeral talk I did not...
Relax, It's Just Sex, by alwayseven (NC-17, AU) (Sequel: In The Deep and Down) The Marriage Arrangement, by brutti_ma_buoni (NC-17, AU) They Met At The Photo-Op Booth, by compo67 (NC-17, AU) (Sequel: House Of Gold) Weightless Summer, by minchout (NC-17, AU) What's Wa...
have plunged to a new low: Researchers at AEI, the Institute for Family Studies, and the Wheatley Institution reported that in 2020, the marriage rate "fell to 33 per 1,000 of the unmarried population and the total fertility rate fell to 1.64 per woman — levels never seen before in...
However, although it might lead to power-sharing in the pair’s marriage bed, it fails to impact her role in their household, which remains constrained by social norms. Active Themes When they return to their country, the couple seems changed, full of love and modern European ideas. Dr...
day. Not long after I read and digested this book, I met and started dating a wonderful young man. I deliberately tried to exercise what I had learned from the book; coincidence or not, I have been happily married to him for almost ten years, after an expeditious long-distance courtship...
“There are too many people in our society who take, and [who] have great expectations, and too few who give. It seems that too much of human kind is caught in a love and marriage formula that states: Because I love you, you must obey me!” ...
These blinks walk you through the social, cultural and economic shifts that have shaped modern rituals of courtship and explain the curious fads and fashions of flirtation that have come and gone through the ages. Who should read Labor of Love? People who love to flirt or are serial daters ...