Yes, we had successfully sealed our shipping containers so that they could become a home, but we had done in it in spite of all of the obstacles the past 2 months had thrown at us. Together, we knew that we could accomplish anything. What seemed impossible, was no longer impossible. Wh...
I have taken some pains to learn what traditions exist in that locality in regard to this matter and my interviews with many of the old residents have only resulted in strengthening the conclusions arrived at from the statements contained in Dearborn’s journal. Samuel Weyburn was one of the f...
December 31, 2014 at 4:35 pm I've been observing C/2014 Q2 and recommend that Southern observers compare it to 47 Tucanae (NGC 104 - the second brightest globular cluster in the sky, easily visible near the Small Cloud of Magellan) if you can view both. Last sight I had, Q2 wa...
trying to help out my family by eating less, and now that I’m an adult I still have problems with it. My problems aren’t related to body image at all, but I do have problems understanding that I deserve food and
she—like Baby—won’t be put in a corner…or a box. So even though you can’t really stick her books in one genre, you could say she mostly writes steamy Contemporary Romance—and, while you’re at it, you’ll notice in her stories that Jade freaking loves Colorado, hard music, ...
Until this second, while writing this, it never occurred to me that there was no reason to pass the mark to starboard on the uphill side, when the line was hundreds of feet wide and extended away from the mountain at least 300 meters above the valley floor. A last-second dolphin oop-...