Von Münch Bellinghausen (Friedrich Halm)—Der Sohn der Wildniss.Act II. Trans. by W. H. Charlton. (Commended by author.) Popular trans. of the play is by Marie Lovell—Ingomar the Barbarian.Two souls with but a single thought, / Two hearts that beat as one. To Chloe’s breast you...
In the start of this book there is not a feeling that Pablo Neruda has experienced the demolition of love but by the last two poems you know he has."Clasping my arms like a climbing plantthe leaves garnered your voice, that was slow and at peace.Bonfire of awe in which my thirst ...
“You are a fool, Adhelmar,” said he, at last, “but you are a brave man, and you love as becomes a chevalier. It is a great pity that a flibbertigibbet wench with a tow-head should be the death of you. For my part, I am the King’s vassal; I shall not break faith ...
A captivating look at our little world in the context of the cosmos. “Using no ink whatsoever, these 18”x24” posters are foil stamped and embossed to create an alphabet composed of letters from many of the more famous (and some infamous) logos of all time.” Missed last week’s live...
money, while the novel Últimos días en el puesto del este (Last days at the Eastern post) by Cristina Fallarás examines a postapocalyptic, ultrareligious society and the short story “Limpieza de sangre” (Blood purity) by Juan Miguel Aguilera explores the double threat of Ebola and ...