1 Love- as both an emotion and a behavior- is essential for human survival- The family is usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems- for example, depression, headach...
Love-as both an emotion and a behavior-is essential for human survival- The family is usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems- for example, depression, head...
1.Love-as both an emotion and a behavior-is essential for human survival- The family is usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems- for example, depression, headaches...
1.Love-as both an emotion and a behavior-is essential for human survival- The family is usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems- for example, depression, headaches...
Love—as both an emotion and a behavior—is essential for human survival .The family is usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems—for example , depression, headaches,...
Love and loving relationships Love—as both an emotion and a behavior—is essential for human survival .The family is usually our earliest and most important source of love and emotional support. Babies and children deprived of love have been known to develop a wide variety of problems—for exa...
Love LoveandMarriage •••••• English:B2班4组speecher:张志明maker:张皓smallgrouppersons:张烨孔楠王秀华 Next LoveistheBasisofFamily Lifeisreallyprecious,butlovecostmore.Love--asbothanemotionandabehavior--isessentialforhumansurvial.Thefamilyisusuallyourearliestandmostimportantsourceofloveand...
Love should be understood as a physiological motivation, like hunger, sleep or sex, and not as an emotion as it is commonly considered. Introduction Research into the nature of love has enabled us to understand most of its characteristics and neurobiological basis. However, the general cultural ...