An urban legend is circulating about a mysterious figure named "Little Slugger," who can put you out of your misery if your life's falling apart. A pair of detectives discovers that Little Slugger may, in fact, be real. The more they dig, the more one layer of lies and delusion after...
Wolf Girl and Black Prince involves Erika Shinohara, who lies about having a boyfriend to fit in with her friends. Stuck in her lie, she persuades the aloof Kyoya Sata to act as her boyfriend. However, he accepts on one condition - she must be his pet. This seemingly shallow relationship...
These manga are just a few among many that tackle the theme of unrequited love, providing endless hours of emotional engagement and narrative satisfaction. The beauty of this genre lies in its ability to reflect the myriad ways unreturned affection shapes and transforms lives. Delving...
Rose Glass’ Love Lies Bleeding follows with 12 nominations and Nora Fingscheidt also triumphed with nine.Women are particularly well represented this year. Out of the five Best British Independent Film nominees, four are directed by women. It’s the same for the Best Director category, where ...
Discover the real truth buried under the romantic lies! —--- Behind the scenes of the entertainment industry, There goes a thriller-romance! Four characters who fall in love with you, Is this the devil’s temptation or true love? The love depends on your...
HO•N•TO•U•SO Truths and Lies OVA3 "United World" OP Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka Confusion... 2nd Ending Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL BRAVING! 2nd Opening Tamashii DORAIBU Soul Drive 3rd Opening Hunter × Hunter (2011) Just Awake ED Naruto Shippuuden newsong 10th Opening BAI MAI SAIDO By My...
That's why, to employ Yohane as the poster girl, this shop--- Though looking normal like the rest of Numazu at first glance, but actually, what lies behind its doors is--- the wide expanses of true hell♪ Once you enter, you will never be able to turn back--- It's the path...
Kelley, one of the brains behind Big Little Lies and The Practice. With season two split into two parts, you have ample time to see what all the fuss is about before venturing into spoiler territory. Along with Garcia-Rulfo, this series also features the talents of Jazz Raycole (Monk),...
While it’s a highly violent and trauma-laden story, its beauty lies in its divergence from the typical romantic manhwa due to its dark themes. It shows a genuine and surprisingly healthy devotion between two characters who manage to fall in love despite the whirlwind of rocks thrown their wa...
Kamala’s brudduh and fiancee catch Kamala in a diner with Kamran, and Kamala lies to her brother and says Kamran is their cousin, which is gross cause Kamran was all up on her and they looked like they were about to touch tongue tips just before he walked up. Luckily her dumb ass ...