在Apple Music 上收听莱茵兰 · 普法尔茨国家爱乐乐团 & Mark Fitz-Gerald的《Shostakovich: The Bedbug Suite, Op. 19a & Love and Hate, Op. 38》。2019年。38 首歌曲。时长:58 分钟
Chords GuitarUkulelePiano Strumming Edit Chorus93 bpm 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & I Hate U I Love U Gnash and Oliva O'Brien Capo 2 [Verse]EmFeeling used but I'mDStill missing you and I can'tBmSee the end of thisCJust wanna feel your kiss against my lipsEmAnd now all this time is passin...
虎头蛇尾头重脚轻,<N.O>最明显,以现在防弹团队的编曲水平回过头去重新编也不见得就能编得好,就算高潮部分的配器增加了丰满了,相对缺乏节奏的高潮旋律始终难以与前面强势的rap段抗衡;但还是觉得好听,楼主一直很喜欢这种强烈的Hiphop的beat和整体基调(Minor Chords),却不太喜欢欧美Hiphop太野的vocal,13年的时候难得...
and to say good-bye. Those living farther away video called to do the same. But my father has been in a coma. Today he has begun to show the signs of death: a rising core temperature (at times 104 degrees F); cooling extremities; ...
特点1: Verse部分慵懒唱腔/Swing节奏/Indie氛围https://youtu.be/Qsm0wOmgIuw见3分开始讲解每拍分成三份的Swing式节奏(可以说是4/4每个四分音符再分3拍,也可以直接说是12/8),<Singularity>一开始就有每拍kick或snare时会打三次hihat,相当jazzy了(有人会说有蓝调的feel,蓝调有时候也会用这种分三拍的Swing...
Chords: Eb, Bb, Fm, Cm, Ab. Chords for 李度 Lesley Lee【愛一個人恨一個人 Love somebody,hate somebody】Official Music Video with Key, Capo, and Tempo shifter. Play along with ukulele, keyboard, guitar, bass, mandolin & banjo with custom tunings.
Talking tunes and poems with too much weight for our age谈论着音乐和诗歌对我们这个时代来说太沉重了 But the love that remains would shape the memory that stays但残存的爱会塑造残存的记忆 Even now I can see your face when those chords are replayed即使到了现在我都能看见你的脸当那些旋律再次...
I confess to being a bit of a Luddite, in that I firmly believe that a guitarist strumming through a whole song sounds better than a few sampled chords copied in the right order. The subtle variations in the full‑length performance may not be glaringly obvious, but do impart a feeling...
Not that the second track “I Luv Your Girl” sounds particularly gangster, with its wispy finger-snap percussion and tender Rhodes chords. But it’s a song that captures, even in its delicate form, the essence of the rap in Nash’s hometown of Atlanta in 2007: an impressionist take on...
Let’s face it: cheesy lines sound very truthful and romantic when they play on the chords of the tune you want to hear. Psychopaths are good enough actors to make such cheesy lines sound plausible to their victims, not only because of what they say but also how they say it: looking ...