超现实3D沉浸恋爱互动新作《恋与深空》国际服于12月15日开启测试。 《恋与深空》是《恋与制作人》开发商叠纸游戏最新力作,故事发生在未来与“Evol”超能力相关的架空世界一 临空市。西元2034 年,人类首次接收到来自宇宙深处的讯息。这段来自深空文明的讯息,并未被完整破译,激发了人们对于宇审和未知的好奇心,也...
【恋与深空】游戏原声带 曲目恋与光年 Love And Lightyear深空序曲 Deepspace Overture时空引力 Gravity of Spacetime凋刻时光 Carving Time心灵实验 Mind Experiment心弦轻跳 Heartstring Harmony夏日晴天 Sunny Summer爪爪乐园 Claw Paradise白桃汽水 Peach Soda, 视频播
恋与深空国际服手游是网易在海外推出的一款集合浪漫恋爱与未来科幻冒险的高度沉浸3D游戏,英文名又称Love and Deepspace。 通过实时渲染的第一人称视角,玩家将身临其境地体验心动与冒险的生动剧情。游戏独特的3D互动体验允许玩家在恋爱互动中塑造自己的故事,而丰富的日常活动如拍摄大头贴、抓娃娃较量以及喵喵牌对战则强...
恋与深空国际服是一款近未来幻想的高沉浸3D恋爱游戏,英文名叫Love and Deepspace,该游戏由叠纸游戏打造,其背景延续了前作《恋与制作人》的世界观,玩家在游戏中将来到一个近未来幻想世界,并化身为一名“深空猎人”,你需要与“秦彻、黎深、祁煜、沈星回、夏以昼”五位男主并肩作战,穿梭不同空间,对抗来自深空的...
LOVE AND DEEPSPACE VISUALS I'm not going to pretend I don't judge a book by its proverbial cover here. What immediately drew me to the game was the jaw-dropping graphics, to be honest, and when those graphics highlight all the right assets for male leads that are easy on the eyes,...
Advertisement You may completely trust each other in battle. As a Deepspace Hunter with the superpower 'Evol', you will combat an invasion of exotic extraterrestrial creatures alongside love interests. Along the way, your paths intertwine, and the secrets of your fates and humanity's future will...
Download & play Love and Deepspace on PC with NoxPlayer(emulator). Play games with a big screen and keyboard! As the brandnew installment of the popular Mr.
time for it. When the set day and time arrives, one ofLove and Deepspace’s dreamy men will notify the player in-game and on their device. The system could work for little things, like a notification to drink water, but it also contains a dedicated space to track your menstrual cycle...
Grab these Love and Deepspace codes for plenty of free wishes, in-game cash, and stickers in the space-faring RPG with romantic elements.Holly Alice Published: 5 days ago Love and Deepspace Looking for love? These Love and Deepspace codes can help by filling your wallet with diamonds ...
商标名称 恋与深空 LOVE AND DEEPSPACE 国际分类 第45类-社会服务 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 50655463 申请日期 2020-10-23 申请人名称(中文) 芜湖叠纸网络科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 安徽省芜湖市鸠江区官陡街道鸠江北路77号芜湖广告产业园文化创意综合楼八层803室(申报承诺)...