Louvian 定义了一个数值上的概念(本质上就是一个目标函数),有了这个目标函数,就可以引出接下来要讨论的 method based on modularityoptimization. 要注意的,社区划分有很多不同的算法,本文讨论的 Fast Unfolding(Louvian)只是其中一种,而这种所谓的density密度评估方法也其实其中一种思想,不要固话地认为社区划分就只有...
Louvain algorithm for community detection 主要理解Louvain 算法中对于模块度的定义:模块度是评估一个社区网络划分好坏的度量方法,它的物理含义是社区内节点的连边数与随机情况下的边数只差,它的取值范围是 [−1/2,1)。可以简单地理解为社区内部所有边权重和减去与社区相连的边权重和。 https://blog.csdn.net/q...
In order to serve this purpose, it is important to retrieve the community structure fast, before the damage done by the attacker spreads and compromises the system.This research was an effort to bring about fast community detection of large cyber networks. The Louvain method, which is one of ...
python代码直接调用community_louvain实现,需要安装python-louvain及networkx(pip install python-louvain -ihttps://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple)调包使用,具体参考官方API文档[2],以下展示代码及可视化结果: fromcommunityimportcommunity_louvainimportmatplotlib.cmascmimportmatplotlib.pyplotaspltimportnetworkxasnx# l...
Louvain算法,作为社区检测方法中的明星算法,其目标是寻找网络中具有最大模块化(Modularity)的划分,同时考虑效率和内存使用。该方法最初源于论文"SLM: A smart local moving algorithm for large-scale modularity-based community detection",由Louvain算法的提出者Ludo Waltman和Nees Jan van Eck在2013年...
"A generalized Louvain method for community detection implemented in MATLAB,"https://github.com/GenLouvain/GenLouvain(2011-2019). Contents: This package consists of the maingenlouvain.mfile which calls a number of subroutines implemented as mex functions. Source code for the mex files is included ...
1. community detection [7] Girvan&Newman 是第一个提出用modularity来评价网络的community energy的工作,通过改变community assignment来最小化energy function,可以作为优化目标。随后在[6]中提出一种fast greedy的方法来优化modularity,是著名的开山之作,宣称near linear的速度。后面最著名的基于modularity的工作是[5]...
Community detection is a vital task in many fields, such as social networks, and financial analysis, to name a few. The Louvain method, the main workhorse of community detection, is a popular heuristic method based on modularity. But it is difficult for the sequential Louvain method to deal ...
Community detection is a vital task in many fields, such as social networks, and financial analysis, to name a few. The Louvain method, the main workhorse of community detection, is a popular heuristic method based on modularity. But it is difficult for the sequential Louvain method to deal ...
processofminingcommunitystructurethroughthenetworkandtheconnectionofnodes iscalledcommunitydetection.Louvainalgorithmisanefficientalgorithmbasedon optimizationmoduledegrees,inadditiontotheadvantageoftime,itcanalsodetectthe hierarchicalcommunitystructure,missingnoneofthesmallcommunity.Onthebasisof ...