(Placename) a town in central Belgium, in Flemish Brabant province: capital of the duchy of Brabant (11th–15th centuries) and centre of the cloth trade; university (1426). Pop: 89 777 (2004 est). Flemish name:Leuven Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014...
According to AT&T, from Carmeuse's Louvain-la-Neuve HQ to its lime plants, it is providing over 3100 of Carmeuse employees with its highly secure global MPLS services. AT&T selected by Carmeuse for advanced global communications Pfizer also has a research centre in Anderlecht, two production plan...
The first beam of post-accelerated radioactive ions was realized in 1989 at the Louvain-la-Neuve research facility. The method employed two coupled cyclotrons to produce, separate and re-accelerate the species of interest. Several technological challenges were solved in the process to obtain pure ...