1956 年,Eames 夫妇以19 世纪流行的私人俱乐部休闲椅为蓝本,推出这张休闲主人椅时,同时树立了所谓Mid-Century 的指标性大器设计,其高度识别及俨然家具设计王者的姿态,至今鲜少人能出其右。 在整体结构上,采用最经典的Plywood 技术,以七层交织的缜密胶合木为这款休闲主人椅打造完美的胡桃木或是黑檀木装饰背板。 恒...
The Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman live in stylish interiors everywhere and have been the subject of documentaries and books.
【 Eames Lounge Chair & Ottoman 】 * 拥有一件真正指标性的当代设计 1956 年,Eames 夫妇以 19 世纪流行的私人俱乐部休闲椅为蓝本,推出这张休闲主人椅时,同时树立了所谓 Mid-Century 的指标性大器设计,其高...
Designed by mid-century furniture designers, Charles and Ray Eames, in 1956, the Iconic Eames Lounge Chair can now be configured in most options of leather and wood finish.
Charles & Ray Eames,这对毕生致力于现代建筑与家具设计的美国设计师夫妇,被誉为20世纪在建筑、家具和工业设计领域最有影响力的设计师之一。二人于1956设计的Eames lounge chair,更是现代家具史上的经典之作,各类影视片和书籍的主角,纽约市现代艺术博物馆永久藏品。至今仍倍受世人宠爱。
Yaheetech Contemporary Club Chair and Ottoman Set for Living Room, Gray : Material: Plywood, Pine wood, Velvet fabric, Foam, Non-woven fabric, Metal, Plastic Overall dimension: Chair: 28 x 26 x 28.5'' (WxDxH); Ottoman: 19 x 18 x 16'' (WxDxH) Seat size: 19 x 20'' (WxD)...
休闲椅伊母斯Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman躺椅 办公书房椅 弯板椅 产品描述: 尺寸: 椅子:870*960*800mm 脚踏:675*540*430mm 材质:曲木弯板工艺+铝合金压铸脚+意皮扪制 颜色:皮色,常规黑色、白色。木质色卡,请参考下图: Lounge Chair & Ottoman的经典之处,不用多言了。大部分喜欢这个产品的朋友会对它...
Herman Miller 公司始于1905年,是从一家生产传统家具的公司演变形成美国现代家具设计与生产中心。Herman Miller是美国最主要的家具与室内设计厂商之一。1976年Herman Miller 生产出Ergon椅子,将人体工程学运用到办公椅子的设计中;1984年,Equa椅子进一步将人体
The Eames lounge chair and ottoman is the culmination of Charles and Ray Eames' efforts to create comfortable and handsome lounge seating by using production techniques that combine technology and handcraftsmanship. Its heritage goes back to the molded plywood chairs pioneered by the Eameses in the...
With the Lounge Chair - and accompanying Ottoman - Charles and Ray Eames set a new standard for comfort. The chair is one of the most important furniture designs of the 20th century and combines tradition and modernity in a way that is just as exciting today as it was when it was first...