The Louisiana Sales Tax Handbook provides everything you need to understand the Louisiana Sales Tax as a consumer or business owner, including sales tax rates, sales tax exemptions, and more.
“Do you support an amendment to expand certain property tax exemptions for property on which the homestead exemption is claimed for certain veterans with disabilities?” A vote FOR would increase the property tax exemption available to veterans with service-related disabilities, and their surviving sp...
Businesses selling or leasing tangible personal property (think movable property) must collect the correct sales tax for the correct jurisdiction or else it can be made to pay its customer’s tax out of pocket as a penalty. Conversely, the same business often enjoys exemptions and exclusions on ...
Topics discussed include the suspension of tax exemptions in all business utilities, the proposed amendment on the tax exempt from property tax land and property owned by the state and the tax credit for...
Apparently, the disciples of Grover Norquist learned little of the economic misrule that was emblematic of the Jindal years of consecutive budgetary shortfalls brought about by the eight-year orgy of tax cuts and tax exemptions granted for Walmarts and Family Dollar stores across the length and ...
Louisiana Amendment 5 - Cooperative Endeavor Tax Exemptions Ballot Language:“Do you support an amendment to authorize local governments to enter into cooperative endeavor ad valorem tax exemption agreements with new or expanding manufacturing establishments for payments in lieu of taxes?” (Adds Article...
No State now prohibits women from service on juries altogether, Alabama's prohibition having been found unconstitutional inWhite v. Crook,251 F. Supp. 401(MD Ala.1966). Most States afford equal treatment to men and women, although exemptions are frequently provided for women who are pregnant or...
aka giveaway programs, for years. It has been our contention that while welfare cheats are an easy target for criticism, the money lost to fraudulent welfare and Medicaid recipients is eclipsed by the billions of dollars stolen from taxpayers in the form of industrial tax exemptions, incentives,...
The law also created exemptions for those products not used in potable services like manufacturing and irrigation, as well as toilets, bidets, urinals, fill valves, flush-o-meter valves, tub fillers, shower valves, service saddles, or water distribution main gate valves that are 2 inches...
The law also created exemptions for those products not used in potable services like manufacturing and irrigation, as well as toilets, bidets, urinals, fill valves, flush-o-meter valves, tub fillers, shower valves, service saddles, or water distribution main gate valves that are 2 inches in ...