Louisiana has announced when the black bear hunting season will take place this winter, and we now know how many black bears will be harvested in the upcoming season. The black bear population in Louisiana has exploded in recent years, so Wildlife & Fisheries has elected to open the ...
Wood Duck is practical and prudent, but also fatalistic and miserly. Which makes sense, especially during duck season! January 21 - February 19 Grigorii_Pisotckii January 21 - February 19 Oh, look! It's a friendly, inventive, and independent Nutria. Nutria can also be perverse and contrary...
Wood Duck is practical and prudent, but also fatalistic and miserly. Which makes sense, especially during duck season! January 21 - February 19 Grigorii_Pisotckii January 21 - February 19 Oh, look! It's a friendly, inventive, and independent Nutria. Nutria can also be perverse and contrary...