This blog post is based on one of the chapters of my new bookThe Producer’s Playbook: Real People on Camera(Focal/Routledge). Order copieshere. For more details on specific interviewing techniques and post-production strategies for working with interviews, see my courses here:Amy’...
Louise is a character from the Anime SHADOWS HOUSE. Due to being indexed as a Non-Human character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppearsOfficial Gender Female Eye Color Not Visible Hair Color Black Hair Length To Neck Apparent Age Child Animal Ears No View ch...
If your photo is larger, no worries – Instagram will reduce it when you post. Try not to post smaller, though, as your image will lose quality when viewed on most devices, especially retina screens. The Instagram portraitaspect ratio(or proportion) is the same as an 8 x 10 portrait photo!
My username is the same name as a character in an infamous anime. On multiple occasions I have been referenced to this character, which I am upset about, because I have no relation to this character. My username actually derives from a really old username that I made over 5 years ago, ...
Personally, I think your time is better spent on creating new Instagram posts. Why Are my Instagram Hashtags Not Working? You may be the victim of a shadowban. A shadowban hides your Instagram posts from users who don’t follow you, which can be detrimental to growing your account and ge...
You can show your name or business name, and add a bio. You can change your cover photo and video, and connect with other apps like Instagram. You can also access the settings and security area from here – it’s wise to check these out to avoid surprises!
First Name Surname Email address: I have read and agree to the terms & conditions Welcome to the ‘Mundane to Magical’ free online summit, my name is Louise Matson and I am blessed to be your host. This summit is a culmination of my own spiritual journey and has been created directly ...
I may have quit marijuana for now, but it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate this guy. My friend Carlen Altman intro-ed me to his insta when I was in a “conspiracy theory/illuminati K-hole” last winter in NY. Radical Instagram activism is the real deal and his posts range from poi...
“looking male” to be considered the correct gender and avoid being misgendered. Bringing this up here made me realise the need to stopping thinking of people as the gender that they look but as the gender that they wish to be called, regardless of my perceptions. Not everyone is going ...
I am relieved to be in a beautiful island setting as I’m aware that my circumstances could be much worse. The fact still remains though, that for Islanders, this is the strictest curtailment on civil liberties since World War 2. There’s been a collective feeling of sadness. There’s ...