Louis Vuitton's black and white panda-colored chunky sneakers $970See Similar 3 days ago(3 months) Louis Vuitton 7 Louis Vuitton LV SS21 Upcycled Trainer Black/White/Blue $1285$143510% offSee Similar 5 days ago(19 days) Louis Vuitton 5 Run Away Sneaker Monogram Grey White Black $626See...
524 0 08:11 App Louis Vuitton FW22 兔八哥棒球服 极致奢华 3.0万 24 08:49 App 康赛妮羊绒衫全场清盘!老板直呼“太心疼”,这一波抄底你赶上了吗 3905 1 04:33 App LV trainer 白水泥测评 692 4 00:38 App 体育生训练跑鞋分享!假如碳板跑鞋有段位?
Black The statement look of Louis Vuitton's Spring/Summer 2018 fashion show, this futuristic trainer balances a springy wave-shaped outsole and an oversized tongue with a low cut ankle for a delicate, feminine touch. Patent Monogram canvas and technical fabrics ...
LV Archlight Trainer £905.00 Colours White The statement look of Louis Vuitton's Spring/Summer 2018 fashion show, this futuristic trainer balances a springy wave-shaped outsole and an oversized tongue with a low cut ankle for a delicate, feminine touch. ...
LV Initials on the tongue, side and back Vuitton signature on the side Louis Vuitton script signature on the side Monogram Flowers on the outsole Made in Italy Change shipping country? You are visiting from China. Would you like to update your shipping country?
LV Trainer 運動鞋 HK$ 10,700 LV Trainer 運動鞋 HK$ 10,700 LV Trainer Maxi 運動鞋 HK$ 13,700 LV Trainer Maxi 運動鞋 HK$ 13,700 LV Trainer Maxi 運動鞋 HK$ 49,500 新款 LV x TM LV Trainer 運動鞋 HK$ 12,700 新款 LV x TM LV Trainer 運動鞋 HK$ 12,700 LV...
1A9JG4 LV Trainer 運動鞋 HK$10,600.00 顏色 黑色 選擇尺寸 尺寸指南 加入購物籃 查看更多 產品保養 配送及商品退換 送贈禮物 路易威登 男士- 鞋履系列 運動鞋 LV Trainer 運動鞋 需要協助? 歡迎致電 +852 8100 1182 、WhatsApp 或按此 聯繫我們的客戶服務顧問。 常見問題 產品保養 ...
LOUIS VUITTON 本款 LV Trainer 运动鞋为柔软粒面牛皮革融入穿孔细节,以瞩目色调烘托繁复设计,凝聚复古篮球鞋的灵感延伸。手写体路易威登标识栖身一侧,后部 #54 标识意指品牌诞生的 1854 年。
LV Trainer 復古運動鞋 NT$ 46,000.00 顏色 栗色 選擇尺寸 這款經典LV Trainer運動鞋以柔軟的小牛皮重新演繹今季造型,締造略帶仿舊的復古設計,並襯有多個刺繡標誌,包括鞋側的Louis Vuitton手寫標誌及後方的#54,後者呼應品牌成立的年份1854,而同色調橡膠鞋底更飾有三個Monogram花卉圖案,倍添格調。
LOUIS VUITTON Official USA Website - Discover our LV Trainer Sneaker in black and white from our men's shoe collection.