Imagination 路易威登以 Imagination 香水延續大膽創新的芳香旅程,以非凡創意展示每個人潛藏的無限可能性。 調香大師 Jacques Cavallier Belletrud 透過 Imagination 香水,以前所未有的手法結合琥珀和紅茶,探索對比的藝術。為了塑造散發現代感的香調,他選用龍涎香中蘊含的龍涎香醚份子,作為五年浩瀚創作過程的起點。
They are accessible through links at the bottom of any website page.See the list of cookies used on our siteFor more information on our cookie policy, please click here Continue without accepting LV x TM Imagination - Luxury Blue | LOUIS VUITTON ...
LOUIS VUITTON Official USA Website - Through Imagination, Louis Vuitton continues its audacious olfactory odyssey, in a wave of creativity revealing one's infinite possibilities.
LOUIS VUITTON Official Canada Website - Discover Louis Vuitton Imagination, a bold fusion of amber, smoky black tea, and vibrant citrus, crafted by Master Perfumer Jacques Cavallier Belletrud. Unleash your creativity— experience it today.
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LOUIS VUITTON Australia Official Website - Through Imagination, Louis Vuitton continues its audacious olfactory odyssey, in a wave of creativity revealing one's infinite possibilities.
⛳ 瀏覽最新:LV Golf 系列。 目錄 關閉 搜尋 路易威登香港官方網站 致電我們 願望錄 (願望錄中有 件產品) My LV 0LP0415 LV x TM Imagination HK$3,150.00 接收到貨通知 請聯絡客戶服務: +852 8100 1182 查看更多 配送及商品退換 送贈禮物 奪目包裝 - 限量發送 顧客凡於網上選購系列產品,產...
Imagination - 按系列瀏覽 - LP0219 | LOUIS VUITTON跳至主要內容 瀏覽最新:男士New Formal 正裝系列。 目錄 關閉 搜尋 路易威登香港官方網站 致電我們 願望錄 (願望錄中有 件產品) My LV 0LP0219 經典系列 - 可享個人化訂製及添加香水服務 Imagination ...
LOUIS VUITTON Official Canada Website - Discover our latest LV x Sun Yitian Imagination, available exclusively on and in Louis Vuitton stores
An invitation to join in a joyful journey, as imagination takes flight. From the collaboration between Louis Vuitton and celebrated Japanese artist Takashi Murakami comes this exclusive edition the Maison’s iconic ambery fragrance: Imagination. The collectible bottle presents Murakami’s captivating Supe...