LOUIS VUITTON Official Website United Kingdom - Explore the world of luxury fashion by LOUIS VUITTON and discover all collections for women and men: bags, small leather goods, clothing, shoes and more
LOUIS VUITTON Official Website: Choose your country or region, pick-up your language and find the right version for you
路易威登男士手挽袋系列,兼具時尚與功能於一身,內設寬敞收納空間,適合各種場合使用。選購精品 Tote Bag,提升個人風格與品味。
LOUIS VUITTON Official USA Website - Explore Louis Vuitton men's designer handbags, backpacks, shoulder bags, sling and waist bags in exquisite materials.
Explore Louis Vuitton's travel bags collection for men, featuring classic styles like the Keepall and innovative, cabin-friendly designs for stylish journeys.
Louis Vuitton’s range of soft-sided luggage and men's leather duffle bags features the Keepall Bandoulière, the Maison’s original soft travel bag. Presented in classic versions crafted from iconic canvases and leathers, this ideal weekend hold-all is regularly edited in creative new iterations...
ndulge in luxury with Louis Vuitton's stylish men’s designer bags, crafted with impeccable quality and a refined aesthetic.
路易威登月亮包以獨特彎月形狀和流線型設計,是別具造型感的時尚精品。Loop 彎月包運用品牌標誌性的 monogram 塗層帆布所製成,包身設經典老花圖案,以牛皮飾邊點綴,圍繞著包身半圓輪廓,增添立體感。月亮包一包多用,附有皮革及金屬鏈條肩帶,攜帶方式靈活多變,隨意調整為手提包、肩背包或斜挎包。輕鬆搭配,展現風格和...
ndulge in luxury with Louis Vuitton's stylish men’s designer bags, crafted with impeccable quality and a refined aesthetic.
這款Avenue斜背包採用Damier Graphite帆布打造,正面外置口袋綴以Louis Vuitton Paris標誌皮革貼章,造型充滿現代氣息。可拆式尼龍肩帶可扣於袋身左右兩邊的D型圈環上,而袋身的帆布肩帶及襯裡則充分展現更具可持續發展的設計理念。 20 x 31 x 7厘米 (長度 x 高度 x 闊度) ...