LOUIS VUITTON Indonesia Official Website - Louis Vuitton is a company that respects the uniqueness of each employee and offers everyone the means to find their place and thrive.
在球場上的勁敵,如今成為攀登頂峰的夥伴。路易威登請來傳奇冠軍網球手費達拿與拿度亮相 Core Values 廣告特輯,在著名攝影師 Annie Leibovitz 的鏡頭下演繹全新篇章。 觀看訪問 堅毅探索 費達拿與拿度兩位傳奇網球巨星著路易威登的特色裝備,懷著壯志和全情投入的精神展開探索之旅,攀上意大利多洛米蒂山脈之巔。
Show values in: Brand Finance has calculated the brand value of the Louis Vuitton brand15 times between 2010 and 2024.The Louis Vuitton brand valuation has featured in50 brand rankings, includingthe strongest and most valuable Apparel brands,the biggest France brandsandthe best Global brands. ...
Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal Redefine Rivalry in the Italian Alps for Louis Vuitton’s Latest ‘Core Values’ Campaign The visual, captured by Annie Leibovitz, is the second part of the ongoing campaign. By Mikelle Street Nov 27, 2024, 1:00am ...
彼时,LVMH集团董事长兼首席执行官Bernard Arnault的长子Antoine Arnault成为了这个集团核心品牌Louis Vuitton的传讯总监已两年,那是他经历过最艰难的挑战,舆论对他的猜疑远多过信任。他急需向父亲证明自己。 为了重塑Louis Vuitton品牌形象,他与奥美(Ogilvy & Mather)合作推出了截然不同的Louis Vuitton 「Core Values」核...
在线看Louis Vuitton Core Values Film 2008 1分钟 32秒。19 5月 2010的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 12 — 已浏览。
在线看Louis Vuitton Core Values реклама 1分钟 32秒。11 11月 2011 13:47的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 2 — 已浏览。
“The chef invariably changes depending on the city and the timing. The menu changes, the teams change, but it’s always around Louis Vuitton values,” he added. “There’ll be 20, or 30, or 50 or 100 places where you’re going to have Vuitton chocolates, but each time the c...
Evaluating companies based on historic multiples can be a way to identify investment opportunities that are underpriced. While past performance is no promise of future returns, these values can be used as a signal to dig deeper. If a company is valued differently today than it was in the past...
LOUIS VUITTON Official India Website - Driven by a passion for watchmaking innovation and daring design, La Fabrique du Temps Louis Vuitton is pleased to announce the Louis Vuitton Watch Prize for Independent Creatives.