Define Louis XII. Louis XII synonyms, Louis XII pronunciation, Louis XII translation, English dictionary definition of Louis XII. n 1462–1515, king of France , who fought a series of unsuccessful wars in Italy Collins English Dictionary – Complete and
Born in 1822 to Jeanne-Ettiennette Roqui and Jean Joseph Pasteur, a family of tanners in the French town of Dôle, north of Lyon, he was the second of four children. Throughout his life he remained fiercely proud of his agrarian heritage, and liked to visit the beech forests, vineyards...
Louis Pasteur 1822-1895 Dole(Jura,Franche-comté)troisièmeenfantdeJeanJosephPasteuretdeJeanneÉtienneRoquiunscientifiquefranç,chimisteetphysiciendeaisformation,pionnierdelamicrobiologie lamaisonfamilialedeDole Ilmeurtle28septembre1895àVilleneuve-l'Étang,dansl'annexedel'InstitutPasteur.Aprèsdes...