"American Lifestyle" Louis Armstrong: The Gentle Giant of Jazz (TV Episode) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
"The Scoot Show with Scoot" Where's Louis Armstrong? Statue mystery only gets more mysterious (Podcast Episode 2024) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
SummaryLouis Armstrong's Black & Blues offers an intimate and revealing look at the world-changing musician, presented through a lens of archival footage and never-before-heard home recordings and personal conversations. This definitive documentary, directed by Sacha Jenkins, honors Armstrong's legacy...
as well as other top prospects who aren’t playing in the tournament. In other words, the Blues have a lot of young potential. Meanwhile, GM Doug Armstrong wants
Pops! The Louis Armstrong Story with Reno Wilson (Podcast Series 2019–2022) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
"The Scoot Show with Scoot" Where's Louis Armstrong? Statue mystery only gets more mysterious (Podcast Episode 2024) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Pops! The Louis Armstrong Story with Reno Wilson (Podcast Series 2019–2022) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Louis Armstrong, the leading trumpeter and one of the most influential artists in jazz history. He was also a bandleader, singer, film star, and comedian. With his great sensitivity, technique, and capacity to express emotion, Armstrong led in the develo
Louis Armstrong, the leading trumpeter and one of the most influential artists in jazz history. He was also a bandleader, singer, film star, and comedian. With his great sensitivity, technique, and capacity to express emotion, Armstrong led in the develo