Loughborough University is a top-ten rated university in England for research intensity (REF2014). In choosing Loughborough for your research, you’ll work alongside academics who are leaders in their field. You will benefit from comprehensive support and guidance from our Doctoral College, including...
Evidence can be a written rejection letter from the University/College/UCAS, or a screen shot of the customer's UCAS status along with the results etc. This can be emailed to salesenquiries@wearehomesforstudents.com or posted to Homes for Students, Clock Tower Park, Longmoor Lane, Fazakerley...
Loughborough University is a top-ten rated university in England for research intensity (REF2014). In choosing Loughborough for your research, you’ll work alongside academics who are leaders in their field. You will benefit from comprehensive support and guidance from our Doctoral College, including...
:Dr.(later,Prof.) R.E.Hobbs;andexternalexaminer:Prof.P.S.Bulson) TitleofThesis:interwirecontactforcesandthestatic,hysteretic andfatiguepropertiesofmulti-layerstructuralstrands. HigherDoctorateDoctorofScience(Engineering)inthefieldofStructural EngineeringandMechanics(May2002),UniversityofLondon (ImperialCollege...