The official website for Actor, Author, Motivational Speaker and Iconic Olympian Greg Louganis. Still considered the greatest diver in history, Greg Louganis is the only male to win gold medals on both 3 meter springboard and 10 meter platform in consecu
The official website for Actor, Author, Motivational Speaker and Iconic Olympian Greg Louganis. Still considered the greatest diver in history, Greg Louganis is the only male to win gold medals on both 3 meter springboard and 10 meter platform in consecu
50 stunning Olympic moments No20: Greg Louganis’s perfect dive 1988 ‘I didn’t think I’d see 30,’ says Greg Louganis Greg Louganis After The Gold Greg Louganis From Wikipedia
Greg Louganisactor,producer,writer 性别: 男出生日期: 1960-01-29 ( 65 岁 )出生地: El Cajon, California, USA又名: IMDB:nm0005163Considered the greatest diver in history, Greg Louganis is the only male to win gold medals on both 3 meter springboard and 10 meter platform in consecutive ...
跳水界传奇人物格雷格·洛加尼斯(Greg Louganis)与同性伴侣约翰尼·夏洛特(Johnny Chaillot)浪漫的同性婚礼 今年53岁的洛加尼斯是世界上最成功的跳水运动员,被人们称为“跳水王子”。他曾参加过三届奥运会, 1976年在蒙特利尔夺银, 1984年在洛杉矶赢得两枚金牌, ...
出生日期:1960年1月29日 出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,埃尔卡洪 更多外文名:Gregory Efthimios Louganis (本名) IMDb编号:nm0005163 职业:演员 / 编剧 关注11人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 暂无 图片· ···(全部 0 张·上传照片) 最近的5部作品 ··· 2023 Battle of the...
Greg Louganis, who won the springboard and platform (跳板和跳台) a bag, a drawer or in his garage. "The medals are in the history books," he said.titles at the Olympics in 1984 and 1988, has a special event on his website. His"They don't decide who I am. They' re just part...
Greg Louganis: These were the trials for the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, Korea. Until this dive, I had been ahead. But now, something else was more significant than winning. I might have endangered other divers’ lives if I have spilled blood in the pool. For what I knew—that few others...
获得4次奥运冠军的Greg Louganis(格雷格·洛加尼斯)被广泛地认为是史上最伟大的跳水选手之一。他是唯一一个在连续两届奥运会中(84年和88年)横扫3米板和10米台跳水金牌的男子选手。Greg一共赢取了5枚奥运奖牌,5枚FINA世锦赛金牌和47枚国内赛事金牌(美国历史上最多)。