LUFS 的响度目标进行比较。它消耗很少的资源:因为它经过了很好的优化,所以这个插件几乎不消耗你的CPU,只消耗很少的RAM和HDD空间。LoudnessMeterFree提供工具提示,CPU资源占用极低,用户可以选择清除数据或仅在播放时分析音频。它能够同时比较音频和多个对比目标音频,许多母带工程师都会使用参考目标音频歌曲,...
SaschArt推出了一款简单好用且直观的音频插件:LoudnessMeterFree,这是一款用来分析音频信号响度(LUFS)的工具。 LoudnessMeterFree是一款辅助混音和母带处理的小工具,加载在总线上,可以在精确调整混音中某个声音元素时,了解RMS或瞬时LUFS的情况。 LoudnessMeterFree总共有四个测量指标,LUFS-I为整个歌曲的综合LUFS;LUFS-S短...
APU免费推出了一款响度分析器:Loudness Meter,支持多种响度类型分析,包括LUFS、RMS、True Peak和Peak。 APU Software推出了一款免费的动态范围分析插件,名为APU Loudness Meter,插件支持多种响度类型:LUFS、RMS、True Peak和Peak。 Loudness Meter旨在为用户提供实时监控和音频响度的完整直方图分析,主面板显示响度表的统计...
插件格式: VST 2.x AU VST 3 功能类型: 响度 简单介绍: 响度分析仪 操作系统: 最高版本: 1.0 媒体价格: 免费 下载信息: 免费下载 软件详情 SaschArt推出了一款简单好用且直观的音频插件:LoudnessMeterFree,这是一款用来分析音频信号响度(LUFS)的工具。 LoudnessMeterFree是一款辅助混音和母带处理的小...
SaschArt推出LoudnessMeterFree,这款插件专为响度(LUFS)分析而设计。该免费插件可用于Mac和Windows系统,提供用户友好的界面,以实现最佳的响度平衡和专业级音频制作。 LoudnessMeterFree插件具有一个带有五个测量条的直观界面。这些测量条用于分析每个频道并显示左右频道之间的差异,从而有助于实现最佳的立体声平衡。
Thank you for using free software! VST2 plug-ins Technically, my VST2 plug-ins are not free software. However, I chose to provide them for your convenience. All other binaries really are free software in the sense of the Free Software Foundation. ...
It's great to have this as a plugin now. I've been using Perception and Dynameter on nearly everything I work on, I can see Loudness Penalty being added to my template." Mike Hillier (Metropolis Mastering) Features Realtime Loudness Penalty scores Supports the five most popular streaming ...
With the introduction of the new, proposed broadcast standards for loudness the need for a true peak loudness meter became even more important to us. We found the MeterPlugs LCAST met our needs for a true peak meter in a clear and uncluttered display that can be easily and quickly set ...
Waves WLM Plus Loudness MeterbyStudiofreq Sound Quality Ease of use Features Bang for buck Overall: I am very excited about the very recent release of the WLM from Waves. I just purchased it a few days ago. Also, this is the first time I have ever given a product full scores. As you...
Youlean Loudness Meter 2 响度参照表(WIN/MAC)2022-01-15 效果器 收藏 🔔 使用 FL 24.2.1 实测/导出试听,为播放流畅故压缩较大,音质稍差。如遇插件/宿主问题,请添加QQ免费获取 👉 新手请点击阅读:工程使用说明 👍 关于插件Nexus 2和3,如无特别说明,均默认使用N4,解决办法:关于N2和N3 ⚡ 如遇支付...