A jolt that was felt across the Southland Friday morning is being attributed to a sonic boom, earthquake expert Dr. Lucy Jones tells Eyewitness News. From just those points alone, we can be pretty sure that it is some kind of atmospheric source, such as a sonic boom, artillery fire or s...
"Boogie Pimps, B-Liv, KURED, Valentino Weethar, Tom Rain, Max Lyazgin, Kono Vidovic, Hugobeat, Simun, MVZZIK, Loudbeatz, Electric Tango, Luca L, Man Go Funk, Sam Sky, Bragin, Pimlican, SamSilva, WilHvlm, Andreas Bender, D'Alessandro, Jayson Miro, Oskar J
“My Old School” leaves no doubt about the level of affection — or lack thereof — that Walter and Donald felt for their alma mater: “I’m never going back to my old school.” The song alludes to an incident in which Becker, Fagen, and others got arrested for marijuana possession,...
When the rain set in.And your footsteps will always fall hereAlong England's greenest hills;Your candle's burned out long beforeYour legend ever will.We still remember, Diana.And that's your Comic Art Friday. Labels: Celebritiana, Comic Art Friday, Dead People Got No Reason to Live, ...